Those little recruits were quite wonderful and lapped up all of the sparkles, tinsel, beads and wee designs with glee and creativity, ergo the tree decked out from stem to top branch!
Many thanks to Nancy, Wanda, Pat, Sue, Elaine and to Sherry who did help in ensuring that enough hands were on deck. Pat and Elaine manned the glue guns. Liz, myself and all others assisted in clipping, beading and finding all of the necessaries…(where are the wings, who has the bells, how to punch holes to accommodate the hooks etc. !!!!). In spite of the rigorous time framework, the children managed to do several different decorations.
The boys particularly got into the CD disks and the unusual angels!!! They were all amazing, polite, and enthused.
Great project!
In spring 2015 the Diggers & Weeders took on a project with Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre in Montreal to help the Centre transform a hardscape back patio area into a garden.
The new garden area is located outside the playroom for the Early Childhood program and we hope the children will not only enjoy the space but that it will introduce them to the pleasure of growing.
The Diggers were back at the community centre in December 2015 helping the children make Christmas tree decorations.
Below are pictures of the happy Diggers helping the children at Tyndale St-Georges make Christmas decorations for the tree which was loaned to us by the museum. The primary age children were given balls to decorate with twine and natural products brought by the Diggers. Wanda prepared the styrofoam balls in advance by covering them in brown paper, and also led the pre-schoolers and their Moms in making wonderful paper doves for the tree. A great time was had by all, and we hope it is the start of an annual tradition.
Thanks to Graham, Wanda, Sue Britton, Liz Morgan, Katy, and Sherry for their good-humoured and enthusiastic participation.
Floral centrepieces created by Diggers Cathy Clubb, Elaine Steinberg, Graham Stewart and Danielle Verrault for the Jewish General Hospital 2014 AGM.
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